Supercharge Your Superpower™: Focus on Empathy

Facilitator: Darla Gray










1 Hour


Online, Zoom

(Zoom link will be emailed two hours before the event.)

Did you know that we each have our own superpowers?

Just like superheroes in the movies, we have abilities that are barely known and understood, much less effectively managed and leveraged toward the greatest good. When we manage our superpowers well, we are happiest, healthiest, most effective - and in the momentum to achieve and maintain success in our lives. Not managing our superpowers effectively can cause unhappiness, illness, stress, chaos and wreak havoc in our lives and the lives of others. At this event, we’ll be focusing on the superpower of empathy which can be your greatest strength when managed well. Let’s supercharge your empathy superpower by learning how to set boundaries, what works and what does not, how to better manage the ability and turn it into a strength (if it’s not already), as well as appreciate and leverage one of your greatest superpowers!

All sessions are one-hour long and utilize Zoom technology. Space is limited. If you register for the event but will not be able to attend, please kindly cancel your registration ticket so that another person may join. We request participants be in a quiet space where they can be present and on webcam. Please be on time. Doors will close at :05 minutes past the hour.

Come along and enjoy the experience.


About Darla

Darla is a life strategist, Certified Grief Educator, intuitive medium, healing facilitator and the founder of Alchemy of Insights™.

As a life strategist, Darla supports an individual’s best interest and highest good in helping each person experience and engage other people, situations and circumstances from a higher, expanded perspective - while also supporting the quest for answers to the big questions and pursuit of life with purpose. She is also a Certified Grief Educator who offers training and talks on grief integration.

As an intuitive medium, Darla connects with loved ones in spirit and high vibration consciousness, bringing forth evidential details, energy and messages to support the healing process. For over 15 years, she has studied and practiced mediumship and has shared her knowledge by training other mediums and leading development circles. Darla considers herself fortunate to have studied and trained with many of the top mediums from across the globe in the ongoing development of her abilities. As with all mediums, her abilities are a work-in-progress and ever changing. She has the greatest appreciation and respect for her work with spirit and takes the work very seriously, always starting with the intention to support the best interest of all.

For much of her life, Darla has had an interest in transformation and healing. Though she has been certified in several healing modalities, she sought processes and approaches that resonated with her more. As a result, Darla developed her own modality, system and processes for individual transformation, healing and growth (I Am Limitless™) which is a vehicle to expand knowledge and awareness, as well as enable vibrational shifts to address fears, beliefs and patterns that are not helpful or productive in the pursuit and achievement of goals. Lasting change takes place through healing and shifts made not only on the physical level, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual levels, and I Am Limitless™ was developed accordingly. During the facilitation of healing, she strives to support the body’s natural abilities to heal itself.

Darla Gray

[email protected]

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