Online Event Information

Welcome to our online Events! We are glad you’re here!!

We are pleased to offer a broad array of online Events from trailblazing thought leaders and teachers that empower Participants and students from across the globe to expand and reach their highest potential!

Please review the Participant Etiquette and Terms & Conditions below. Our intention is for every Participant’s experience to be rewarding and enlightening. We ask that you acknowledge, accept and adhere to these guidelines when you register for our Events. Participants are encouraged to check for updates as this information may be revised from time to time.

Participant Etiquette and Terms & Conditions


  • Events: events, programs, courses, workshops, demonstrations, talks, circles, etc.
  • Facilitators: thought leaders and teachers who guide and facilitate Events
  • Participants: attendees and students
  • Moderators: representative of the Company who open the Events, introduce Facilitators, and oversee administrative and participant etiquette aspects of Events
  • Company: Alchemy of Insights™ or Academy of Insights™

Your guide for the Event:

The Facilitator guides Participants, course content and approach of each Event. The Facilitator has ultimate discretion on how s(he) conducts the class. The Facilitator will address how questions will be raised and answered. We strive to provide an atmosphere of kindness, integrity and empathy.  We honor Participants and seek to empower through our Events.  If you are on a healing journey and are seeking medical or psychological assistance, we encourage you to seek the aid of an appropriately licensed medical professional and/or therapist.  

Registration & Administration:

  • Register early, as registering immediately prior to an Event may not be possible due to Event size limitations.
  • Participants will be required to provide their first and last name, email address and have internet access.
  • Contact us sooner, rather than later, if you have issues with registration and/or do not receive the confirmation email. If you wait until minutes before the start and have issues, we won’t have time to help you.
  • Login early, or at least promptly, prior to the Event time.
  • Do not contact Event Facilitator regarding registration. Email: [email protected] with questions or issues.
  • For Events paid by installment payments, ongoing participation will require installment payments being kept up-to-date and paid by each given due date. Failure to adhere to the payment schedule will be taken as withdrawal from the Event. Those choosing to pay over installments agree to pay the full Event fee.
  • A private Facebook group may be used for some programs as will be indicated in the Event description. In such case, a Facebook account will be required for Participants, even if only used for this program.
  • Some Events are by application process. Application does not guarantee acceptance into any program. Submission of application form will be taken as agreement to terms and payment schedule outlined.
  • Enrollment or acceptance into a program, as applicable, will be taken as your agreement to the referenced etiquette, terms and any applicable payment schedule.

Event Reschedule / Withdrawal / Refunds:

  • In the event of unavoidable circumstance in which an Event cannot be held at the scheduled date / time, an alternate date will be offered, or a refund may be issued at the discretion of the Company.
  • The Company, the Event Moderator and/or the Event Facilitator reserve the right to remove any Participant not deemed suitable for any reason. For a one-day Event and for reasons other than disruption, or other inappropriate activity, a refund shall be issued if more than 50% of the scheduled time of the Event remains. Payment will be refunded pro-rata for multi-day Events for reasons other than disruption, or other inappropriate activity, and an administration cost of 10% of the Event fee will be applied.
  • No refunds will be issued for disruption, inappropriate activity or voluntary withdrawal from Events.
  • All monies paid are non-refundable (unless otherwise stated) and non-transferable onto other Events.
  • For multi-day Events, should the Facilitator no longer be available to continue the Event due to death or permanent disability after the Event has commenced, the remainder of the Event will be cancelled, and the Company shall have no further obligations to Participants.

Common Courtesy:

  • Be kind, attentive and respectful of your Facilitator, other Participants and guests.
  • Please have your video turned on unless you are tending to a personal matter.
  • No photographs of Participants, Facilitators, Moderator or guests.
  • Drinking alcohol and/or consuming drugs before an Event is highly discouraged, as doing so may adversely affect your experience, as well as the experience of other Participants.
  • If you need to leave an Event before the designated end time, please let both the Facilitator and Moderator know before an exercise starts that you will be leaving and will not be participating.
  • We ask that controversial or polarizing issues and topics not be part of any discussions.
  • Inappropriate comments and behaviors are cause for removal from the Event with no refund.

Privacy Commitment:

  • You agree to respect the privacy of all Participants of this Event, as well as all experiences they may share as part of the Event, discussions, demonstrations, breakout rooms, as well as any Facebook posts they make in our Private Facebook group (if applicable). These may not be shared outside of the group without prior permission of all parties. The goal is a safe environment in which all Participants feel comfortable and secure to share experiences.


  • When turned on, the “chat” function is for Participant use. The Facilitator may, or may not, have an opportunity to read and respond to the chat. The chat function is not intended for personal interaction between Participants, nor in most instances, is it appropriate to post personal information there.
  • Participants may use the chat function to communicate with the Moderator. The Moderator is not going to be able to help with your personal computer/connection issues. However, the Moderator may be able to help you with things such as resolving issues with break-out rooms, providing the Facilitator’s contact information, as well as obtaining information regarding the Company. Unless otherwise stated during the Event, the Moderator is not there to help teach, or answer questions about the content of the Event.


  • At some Events, the Facilitator and Moderator may use the Q&A function for questions. Our Moderator may review the questions and present your questions to the Facilitator on your behalf, time permitting.


  • Participant is responsible for maintaining her/his own computer technology and internet connection with sufficient bandwidth to support good video quality and communications.


  • We use Zoom for meetings and webinars, which is free. You do not need to have a paid Zoom account.
  • Please have your video turned on unless you are tending to a personal matter. We understand that occasionally technical issues cause glitchy or sporadic connectivity. You may turn your video off during these instances to maintain quality video connectivity. If your video must be turned off for a lengthy duration due to connectivity issues, please use the chat function to notify the Facilitator, the Moderator and your Event mates.
  • Participants who cannot maintain a video link may not be able participate in any (or all) of the exercises as doing so would adversely affect the experience of the other Participants.


  • Events are not to be electronically recorded by Participants in any manner. We take privacy seriously.
  • Demonstrations are live Events only and recordings will not be available.
  • Recordings made by the Company are commonly for technical and/or internal purposes only. Any such recordings will not be available to Participants after the Event.
  • On occasion, video and/or audio recordings of some Events may be made available to Facilitators and/or Participants after the Event. The recordings of these Events may be sent out to all Participants, and Participant agrees by attending that your voice, likeness and participation in the Event will be included as part of this recording.
  • When a recording is offered and ready, information to access the recording will be sent to the email provided with registration and/or the Facebook group for the Event(s). The recording is for you alone and may not be shared.
  • Recordings will be available for three months once Company provides access.
  • All webinars, Zoom sessions and/or recordings are not to be shared with others who are not registered for the Event, nor may these be broadcast or uploaded to any other platform.
  • If not specifically stated beforehand in the Event description, no recording will be provided after the Event.

We acknowledge that technology can be challenging:

  • We hope things go smoothly. Unless it is a common Zoom issue of which we’re already familiar, technology questions will need to be answered by your internet provider, or someone who can help you with Zoom and/or your computer.

And, Most Importantly:  Be present. Have fun. Enjoy!!